- Upon arrival at Loyola castle, he had a doctor break and reset the leg. After the operation, he had a stump protruding from his leg so he had the physician saw it off.  In the end, one leg was shorter than the other so he withstood an orthopedic stretcher to lengthen his leg to no avail. He walked with a limp for the rest of his life.

- He was bedridden during his long recuperation at the castle and had a profound conversion experience. Growing bored, he asked for books of romance and chivalry but the castle possessed only two books: "The Life of Christ" and a book on the saints. He spent hours gazing out the window dreaming of fame, fortune and romance. However, he also day dreamed about becoming a saint by imitating St Francis and St Dominic. While reflecting on these experiences, he noticed that while both daydreams engaged him, when he dreamed about chivalry and romance the daydreams left him empty, restless and dissatisfied. However, when he dreamed about following Christ and imitating the saints he felt peace and happiness. He noticed that activities that gave him feelings of peace and happiness moved him closer to God and feelings of emptiness and dissatisfaction were activities that moved him away from God. His eyes began to open to discernment of the spirits and decision making which laid the ground work for what is known as the Spiritual Exercises. He understood interiorly that God was leading him by his feelings to a different life. Instead of being a soldier for the King, he would be a soldier for Christ.

- In March of 1522, As soon as he was able to travel, the pilgrim as he called himself set off on his journey to the Benedictine Abbey in Montserrat Spain. He spent three days writing out his past sins and confessed them to a Benedictine Priest. Afterwards, he spent an all-night vigil at the altar of the Black Madonna where he surrendered his sword and his old life and began his new life in Christ. He donned a long tunic made from the same material as a grain sack and took up a pilgrims staff. He stripped off his clothing and gave them to a beggar.