“And when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” (The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho, Part one, page 21). This is how I experienced our Triune God while working out with the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises these past 30 weeks. Every day, through the guided scripture readings, I experienced God conspiring and laboring to gift me with love so unfathomable that the only way I desired to respond was to love God back by getting to know God through Mary and Jesus, whose ‘yes’ to God’s call armed me with the freedom to choose to see God in the daily ordinariness of my life. AWESOME!! -Audrey L Fernando Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

The Spiritual Exercises have shown me how our Christian Faith is not just a part of my life but really a way to live all of my life. I see why the first Christians called it “The Way". The Exercises have shown me that God really is present always. And they have drawn me much closer to Jesus and to Mary. Doing the Spiritual Exercises with the Manresa Way spirituality group was a blessed experience. The weekly Reflections by the spiritual guides were wonderful, often inspirational. And my Pilgrim Companion was incredibly helpful and supportive. The 19th Annotation Spiritual Exercises for me were an eight-month pilgrimage filled with grace. Thanks for the opportunity, - Jim

Through the Exercises the Lord changed my heart Forever!  - K.L.

Going through the Exercises gave me the courage and the faith to free myself from constrictions that needed to be broken and to invite my Spirit to say “Yes” in courage, faith, and hope.  It also enabled me to Love like I had never previously experienced and feel Joy from service to God like I had never previously encountered. - C.G.

Over the years, I have known many people that experienced the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. They shared with me the wealth of spiritual growth they attribute to this special time. As soon as I had the time to dedicate to the Exercises, I signed up! I am so grateful for this opportunity. I have been abundantly blessed with a closer walk with the Holy Trinity and the Saints. I have grown in compassion for myself and people in my past and present. My creativity got a big boost and I learned new ways to experience God and healing in my life. The team is an example of Christian community by loving one another. When you feel the call, respond with “Yes”.  –Kat

I loved how engaging the Ignatius Spiritual Exercises has deepened my relationship with Jesus. It offered me time to step back and learn more about how to discern how I am being called to live into God’s desire for my life on a daily basis. - Peggy

The Ignatian Exercises have irrevocably helped me come to a very personal relationship with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.  I am so grateful for this life altering experience. –E. L.

The Exercises have helped me in my self-discovery into the Heart of Jesus.  I’ve learned that my journey is a step-by-step close walk with Jesus which is always evolving, always growing, always intimate, and always in the moment. – D. L.

I tried to remember what it was like to not know about the Spiritual Exercises.  I just remember knowing about physical ones and they helped me so thought I’d try it as a stronger relationship with God sounded good.  I also heard that it helped with discerning, and I was discerning how to spend my retirement, so that also appealed.  It wasn’t until I did the Exercises that I could appreciate that Ignatius’ spiritual journey is one that is easy to identify with, so made the journey very easy, often anticipating my next step.  I also appreciate how flexible the program is, with morning and evening sessions and ability to listen to the reflections and now read them, so not having to be there on Wednesdays.  Though the program is so good, one doesn’t want to miss it.  A big draw I think, is the one-on-one time with one’s Pilgrim Companion, rather than only group discussion. MB.M.