-St Ignatius of Loyola was born in 1491 in the Basque country of northern Spain in a town and a castle known as “Loyola.” He was the son and grandson of soldiers and of minor nobility.  He was the youngest of 13 children.

-As a landless younger son, Inigo had to depend on the court, greater nobility, military, or the court of a major archbishop to find his place in society. In 1508 at the age of 16, Inigo left his home to serve as a page for Juan Velazques, treasurer of the kingdom of Castile.

- He loved the life of a courtier. He loved the attire of the court. He was vain. His crown and glory was his long flowing red hair. He was a ladies man and a womanizer. He was a gambler, drunkard and a brawler-an unlikely saint. In fact, he may be the only canonized saint to have a notarized police record—for nighttime brawling with intent to inflict serious harm.

- He became an officer in the Spanish military. At the Battle of Pamplona in 1521, the Spanish governor wanted to surrender but Ignatius argued that they should hold their position. After six hours his leg and his dreams were shattered by a cannonball. The French soldiers, out of respect and admiration for his courage, carried him on a stretcher back to his home at the Castle of Loyola.