testimonials from our pilgrim companions image
As I journeyed through the Spiritual Exercises in 1983-84 I felt God’s invitation to become a Pilgrim Companion. I was a bit intimidated at the thought (!) but God reassured me that I would be given what I needed when I needed it if I would just trust. I took the leap and this ministry has been my passion for the last 40 years. Guiding a Pilgrim is standing on Holy Ground!    
Ellie’s testimony

I journeyed through the Spiritual Exercises back in 2004 and that experience changed my life forever. I experienced Spiritual Freedom and a closeness to God that I never felt before this retreat. I came away wanting everyone to do the Spiritual Exercises. Becoming a Pilgrim Companion has been both a privilege and a gift and has given me the opportunity to companion with others who want to journey through the Exercises. Witnessing God’s Spirit moving in others is miraculous. Each person’s journey through the Exercises is unique to them and the gifts they receive are many.
Maureen’s testimony

Being a Pilgrim Companion is a privilege that God has given me. Being a spiritual companion on someone's journey is helping people to tell their sacred stories every day. As a companion I have shared in many others' joy and struggles. Together we share what I call a resting place for those who wish to savor God's loving presence and to explore God's presence in the joys and sorrows of life (past, present, and future). As a companion I have received more than I can ever express, and I am forever grateful.
Gloria's testimony

The Exercises of St Ignatius was one of the greatest discoveries of my life. I discovered a God of love, compassion and intimacy and it is, and has been an honor and privilege to journey with others as they recognize and discover God’s presence in the ordinary of their lives.
Nancijo’s testimony

My work as a landscape gardener is influenced by the beauty of God’s creation. Born in the lakes region of New Hampshire, in the foothill of the White mountains, I now live in the seacoast region, I am reminded daily of the wonder of His works. As a pilgrim companion and Spiritual director it is a joy to accompany other pilgrim’s on their spiritual journey.
Kiki’s testimony

I have been a Pilgrim Companion for ten years now as a result of when I journeyed through the Spiritual Exercises myself and went through the Ignatian discernment (Spiritual Exercises). The Holy Spirit’s presence was palpable and transformative for me personally and I continue to experience this year after year with the Pilgrim I am privileged to journey with.
Inevitably what has been expressed most by those that I am accompanying on the journey is gratitude. Gratitude for my presence. Gratitude for holy listening and gratitude for my being a conduit of the Holy Spirit’s presence when we meet. To be a Pilgrim Companion is one of the most sacred blessings of my life.
Linda’s testimony

As a Pilgrim Companion, I feel blessed to witness the Holy Spirit at work in unique and personal ways in the lives of the pilgrims with whom I walk. My own spiritual life is enriched by their experiences of God’s abundant grace, and I am deeply grateful for that.
Gail ’s testimony

After doing the Exercises and receiving the helpful one on one time with my Prayer Guide/Pilgrim Companion, I appreciated the opportunity to spend that special time with others. And the time with Retreatants continues to be as special as ever. I grew more in understanding with the year’s “Level A” training and then with guidance through supervision with another Pilgrim Companion. With the frequent opportunities to share with the other Prayer Guides/Pilgrim Companions, the support and growth continue. And the time with Retreatants continues to be as special as ever. The focus on God’s unconditional love and grace continues to surround the whole experience for me and urges me on to keep sharing it.
Mary Beth’s testimony

As a Pilgrim Companion, I have experienced God through the eyes of each Pilgrim. Every year,
every Pilgrim has gifted me with an overwhelming humility and joy walking together on this
journey of loving God with all our hearts, mind and body. It is truly a gift from our Heavenly
Father to be able to participate in the Ignatian Exercises growing with one another and
experiencing a deeper relationship with Jesus.
Patricia’s testimony

When I was a Manresa Way pilgrim, my trust and reliance on our loving God deepened. Now I feel so lucky to accompany others in becoming freer to receive God’s love and to discern where He is calling them. The inspiration and insights I’ve received through these experiences have enhanced all aspects of my life including my relationships with my husband, children, grandchildren and friends, my work as a social worker (now retired), my enjoyment of God’s natural wonders and my passion for writing.
Pat’s testimony

As a Pilgrim Companion, I have experienced the imperceptible workings of God. I have witnessed God’s desire to be in unique relationship with each person. Each person I accompany has offered me the continued opportunity to share my felt knowledge as well as open my heart to the ever-expanding trust in and love of God.
Maryellen’s testimony

As a Pilgrim Companion being with you, “the Pilgrim”, on your journey through the St. Ignatian Spiritual Exercises, we continue to be with you through every step along the way. Whatever may be at this point in your life, may you continue to receive His Graces and blessings as you search to find your own Spiritual connections. May God be with you and bless you always!
Claire’s testimony

Having the chance to be a Pilgrim Companion over the past few years has blessed me with the chance to see God at work within that person, as well as myself, who is looking to develop a deeper relationship with Him. I am always amazed to see how God works in me and the person I am with.
Ed’s testimony

All my life I believed in God and I noticed God in exceptional moments- in nature, birth of a child, hymns sung loud in church. But I learned, about half-way through the spiritual exercises, that there could be more with God! And that was an incredible moment. We learn in the spiritual exercises how to pray and then be attentive to your feeling in reflection and sitting quietly. My Companion called it “marinate”! I struggled with fully sharing in prayer. I could share the good, but not the bad. I would pray about the facts, but not the feelings. One day, I had received bad news. For me, it was a loss of what my imagined future would be and I was upset. I was mad. My Companion invited me to share. Complete honesty. “Share it all”. “Let’s see what happens.” My Companion suggested it in a way that made me feel safe. And it changed my life. I want that moment for others. When we present the good and the bad together, side by side, it brings one totally in to a deep and satisfying relationship with God. I want people to see where God is already present in their life and invite them to “see what happens.”
Chris Domingos' testimony

The experience of the Spiritual Exercises which I made 31 years ago and the experience of companioning others through the Exercises for 30 years has been and continues to be a loving gift from God to me. I am forever grateful to the Sisters of St. Joseph and the Sisters of Mercy of Rochester for their foresight and wisdom in making the Spiritual Exercises available to lay women and men in our diocese. Witnessing the spiritual transformation of over 300 people in my years of guiding the retreat raises up immense gratitude for the work of God’ Spirit. I am humbled by the privilege to accompany others on their spiritual journey and be a witness to God’s work of transformation. It truly is a Spirit-led ministry.
Giovina's testimony

I had a spiritual awakening in 2011 and began reading spiritual books (exclusively) like I was searching for I “knew not what”. I discovered “The Ignatian Adventure” by Fr. Kevin O’Brian SJ and started reading. Soon after, unbeknownst to me, I ran into one of the founders of Manresa Way in a church parking lot and blurted out that I was “reading” the Spiritual Exercises. I was embarrassed because we were just acquaintances. She said, “Where are you doing that” and I said, “It’s a book” and she said, “It’s a retreat and it will start in two weeks.” She scribbled down a phone number put it in my hand and said, “Call Ellie Flavin.” I called Ellie, had an interview, met my Pilgrim Companion and started the journey of a lifetime. I fell in love with God. A personal self-communicating God that just wanted to love me and be my friend. How good is that? Along the way, I noticed that the noise had stopped. I was no longer searching. My desire was and is that “EVERYONE” should have the opportunity to journey through the Spiritual Exercises and fall in love with God. A God that loves them beyond measure. That is why I am here. It is my desire and my mission. It is who I am. The Jesuits ruined EVERYTHING! As a result, I work with the most beautiful, passionate, loving, faith sharing community one can find. I have the Graced experience of taking Pilgrims through the Spiritual Exercises. I am always Awestruck by what happens on their journey. I feel so blessed to witness God’s deep, spacious and endless love for each and every pilgrim. Thank-you St Ignatius! Thank-you God!
Belinda’s testimony

I am so grateful to God for my experience as a pilgrim , myself, in the Ignatian Exercises 15 years ago. It was a life changing journey for me. I have been so Blessed to be a pilgrim companion for the past many years , journeying with others towards the Sacredness of God’s love through a deepening personal experience in relationship with the Holy One .
Carole's testimony

Making the Spiritual Exercises Retreat in everyday life was transformative for me. I was introduced to wonderful new ways of praying with scripture and learned to pay attention to my inner feelings and desires as aids in discerning God’s voice. Committing to the Exercises helped me grow in my desire to carve out regular prayer times that continue to bless my spiritual life and deepen my love and understanding of God, myself and others. Surprisingly the biggest gift I received from making the exercises was the insight that my relationship with Jesus was meant to offer me more freedom than I was experiencing, not just from my sins upon death but from many unnecessary burdens that I felt compelled to carry. What a relief it was to begin to lean into Jesus’ invitation to “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. My yoke is easy and my burden is light.” These words continue to give me joy and inform my walk with Jesus. What I love to see as I companion others through the Spiritual Exercise is how uniquely God’s speaks to each person in just the words that they need to hear. I want everyone to receive the many gifts that God desires for them and I feel priviledged to be a part of this amazing ministry where that happens all the time.
Jeanne’s Testimony

When I applied to go on the Spiritual Exercises retreat, I knew really nothing about it except that my parish priest had recommended it. I was soon amazed at the wonderful retreat Saint Ignatius of Loyola had designed. Daily prayer using recommended Scriptures and a weekly meeting with my own personal Prayer Guide quickly furthered the depth of my spirituality. When I am in prayer, I feel graced with a closeness to God and want to share that joy with everyone! As my first Spiritual Exercises were finishing, I felt called to further share God’s grace by His words, “Help one, and then help one more.”
Janet's Testimony

Being able to accompany others in spiritual direction, and more recently as a companion for the 19th annotation retreat, has been the most rewarding and privileged endeavor I’ve ever participated in. I am passionate about the gift of imaginative prayer, and can close my eyes and experience myself lying on the grass next to St. Ignatius gazing up at the stars. The photo of his worn-out shoes makes me teary. It is a great joy to limp along in his and your company.
Dee's Testimony

In 2021, in the midst of the pandemic and in the midst of my own health crisis, I deepened my relationship with God and with Jesus by being a retreating in the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius offered by the Manresa Way Ministry. Despite the chaos in the world around me and my own personal chaos in dealing with illness, I found peace in The Exercises. God healed me in ways I didn’t even know I needed healing. God had always been in my life, but my relationship with Him intensified through the Exercises. As a guide, there are no words to describe God's embrace of his children through the Spiritual Exercises. God engages His children in an experience unique to them. It is humbling to accompany others in this wondrous process. As other guides have said, God’s active presence in the Spiritual Exercises and the sharing that occurs between retreatants God, and their guides are precious and holy.

Martha's Testimony